American People's View of Lindbergh (Editorial view #2)

New York Times Editorial
June 11, 1927

The crush in the market slackens.
The noisy strife of greed,
The hue and the cry for pleasure
Cease, while the heart gives heed
To and older sound and braver
Than soldiers on parade,
Than the ring of golden metal
And the fiery clang of trade-
The song of youth and courage
And all youth’s artless grace;
The song of man assiling
The bonds of time and space;
The song of one for many:
A life, at stake, alone,
Winging through the darkness
To morning and a throne!
Age hears, and old dreams waken;
Youth hears, and vows anew;
Man’s common kinship rallies
And joy and pride undo
Misunderstanding’s mischief,
Prejudice’s wrongs-
God send, at need, the voices
To sing for us such songs!!!

                                                                                              -Donald Gillies

New York Times Editorial
June10, 1927
Another Lindbergh Role:  He is Hailed as the World’s Greatest Advertising Man.

To the editor of the New York Times:
    There is one profession above all others that owes a tremendous gratitude to Lindbergh, and this is the one to which I have the honor to belong - the advertising profession.  It occurs to me that Lindbergh has proved the apostle of International advertising- the greatest advertising man as well as flying man the world has ever seen.  Our former allies have been prone to judge America by the tourists and some get-rich-quick American visitors who have led them to believe that money grows on trees in this country.  These men misrepresented America by their extravagances and behavior.  Fortunately, they represent about one-half of 1 percent of the real Americans, and it remained for Lindbergh to show them what 99 1/2 percent of American really are men and women of the same type as Charles Lindbergh and that is why our former allies liked him so well.
    We advertising men of the United States have done all within our power by expenditure of energy and cash to bring the advertising men of all countries into harmonious and cooperative relations.  We have changed the name of our Associated Advertising Clubs into the International Advertising Association, for such it has truly become, thanks to the happy relations we have been able to establish through our annual conventions with the advertising men of Great Britain, France, Switzerland, Germany, and other countries.
    But all the advertising men have been able to accomplish in all their years of organization pales into insignificance before the great advertising feat accomplished by Charles Lindbergh.  Surely it is not too much to say that never in all our history has the United States been placed before the world in so favorable and attractive a light as it has been by this thirty-three and a half hours’ flight so bravely accomplished by a youth hitherto unknown.
    Peace conferences may meet at The Hague or at Geneva, disarmament proposals may emanate from Washington or Paris, societies for the promotion of the world peace may fulminate from now until doomsday, and they will not accomplish so much in real advertising of the fact that America is the foremost nation of all the world as did young Lindbergh when his native courage and American pluck made him a worthy guest and associate of Kings, Princes and Presidents.
New  York, June 10, 1927.

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