2nd Semester Final Exam

Review Sheet for A.P. U.S. History

Updated 4/29/08


Chapter 18

  1. Characteristics of Industrial America – unskilled labor, immigration, techniques of Captains of Industry, etc.
  2. Pullman Strike
  3. Yellow Dog Contracts
  4. Government’s reaction to negative impact of industrialization
  5. American Federation of Labor
  6. New South
  7. U.S. vs. E.C. Knight Company


Chapter 19

  1. Immigrants – Old Immigration vs. New Immigration
  2. Settlement patterns of immigrants
  3. Chicago Ship and Sanitary Canal
  4. Cult of Domesticity
  5. Social Gospel


Chapter 20

  1. Grover Cleveland and his tariff/surplus policy
  2. U.S. reasons for joining the push for imperialism
  3. Spanish American War and its effects / acquisitions
  4. Open Door Policy
  5. Farmers alliance and the move to Populism
  6. Why the Spanish American War was referred to as the Splendid Little War


Chapter 21

  1. What the progressive movement represented
  2. Booker T. Washington and his beliefs
  3. Goals of progressive reformers
  4. Teddy Roosevelt’s attitude towards corporations and monopolies


Chapter 22

    1. Roosevelt Corollary
    2. Aftereffects of WWI – Red Scare, race riots, isolationism
    3. Herbert Hoover during WWI
    4. U.S. response to outbreak of WWI in 1914
    5. How WWI affected women
    6. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan and his actions during the early years of WWI


Chapter 23

      1. Examples of prosperity during the 1920s
      2. American foreign policy during the 1920s
      3. National Origins Act
      4. Marcus Garvey
      5. Mass culture in the 1920s – radio, movies, etc.

Chapter 24

        1. Methods used by Roosevelt to fight the Depression


Chapter 25

1. African Americans during WWII


Chapter 26

  1. Truman and civil rights
  2. Election of 1948
  3. George Kennan  and containment
  4. Truman Doctrine
  5. Marshall Plan
  6. Berlin Blockade/Airlift
  7. 1949 events that challenged the perception of American dominance in the Cold War
  8. Korean War – causes and consequences
  9. NSC-68 – what it said and consequences
  10. Ways in which the Cold War was manifested


Chapter 27

  1. Levittowns
  2. How people afforded so many consumer goods in the 1950s
  3. Why people were interested in religion in the 1950s – examples of this interest
  4. Role of television in the 1950s
  5. Brinkmanship
  6. Eisenhower Doctrine
  7. U.S. initial roles in Vietnam – supporting the French, supporting Ngo Dinh Diem
  8. Role of CIA under Eisenhower
  9. Attempts to ease fears and prepare U.S. domestically for the Cold War (from PowerPoint)
  10. Early Civil Rights events (1950-1957)
  11. Effect of the automobile in the 1950s
  12. National Defense and Education Act and its causes
  13. Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring


Chapter 28

    1. Kennedy accomplishments – both foreign and domestic policy
    2. Kennedy and Civil Rights
    3. Lyndon Johnson and civil rights
    4. Malcolm X
    5. Cesar Chavez
    6. Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society
    7. Earl Warren and his court decisions
    8. Changes for African Americans because of the civil rights movement
    9. Anti-War Protest and Vietnam
    10. Signs of the rise of the counterculture in the United States.